Attic Insulation

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$1.01 per Square Foot
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Product Requirements
Install R-19 batt insulation on top of existing insulation.
Existing R-Value cannot exceed R-19.
*Note: Any type of insulation is eligible for the measure so long as it meets the measure case R-value.
Customer Eligibility
Customer must be identified as existing within Home Performance Plus’s targeted communities.
Qualifying product(s) must be new and installed in a residence that currently receives electric service from Southern California Edison.
Dwelling must be single family or multi-family with four units per foundation or less.
New construction is not eligible.
Incentive amount cannot exceed purchase price.
Other Requirements
Application must include a paid invoice or receipt with the model number, manufacturer, purchase price and purchase date.
Application must be submitted with 90 days of installation date.
Homes are eligible for one incentive.
Application must include a signed Customer Participation Agreement.
Application must include a paid receipt or invoice with purchase price and purchase date.
Qualifying service must be new in a residence that currently receives residential electric service from Southern California Edison.
Qualifying customers are determined by the program that are identified as residing within targeted hard-to-reach and disadvantaged communities.

Required Documents

  • CPA-TA – Customer Participation Agreement
  • SPECS – Specifications Sheet for new insulation and existing or new HVAC system
  • Itemized Invoice - Customer signed, dated, & stamped "Paid" or stamped "Received by Customer", including manufacturer, model #, infrastructure upgrade costs, labor
  • SB1414(b)1 Title 24, Permitting - Attestation, Terms & Conditions, or Proof of Permit Closure(s)
  • SB1414(b)1 Contractor License - Attestation or Terms & Conditions
  • Program/Implementer/Customer Attestation - Attestation indicates existing insulation is not being replaced, only added onto, OR indicates justification for removal of existing insulation.

Required Photos

  • HVAC System
  • HVAC system nameplate
  • Base/Existing insulation (with a ruler starting on the attic floor so the measurement (inches) or R-value is clearly shown)
  • Measure/Installed insulation showing R-value (with a ruler starting on the attic floor so the measurement (inches) or R-value is clearly shown)

*Note: Any type of insulation is eligible for the measure so long as it meets the measure case R-value.