Induction Cooktops
In stock
$400.00 per Unit
Product ready for review
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Product Requirements
Must be an induction cooktop with an electric range to qualify.
Induction cooktop with electric range must replace gas range.
Customer Eligibility
Customer must be identified as existing within Home Performance Plus’s targeted communities.
Qualifying product(s) must be new and installed in a residence that currently receives electric service from Southern California Edison.
Dwelling must be single family or multi-family with four units per foundation or less.
New construction is not eligible.
Incentive amount cannot exceed purchase price.
Other Requirements
Application must include a paid invoice or receipt with the model number, manufacturer, purchase price and purchase date.
Application must be submitted with 90 days of installation date.
Homes are eligible for one incentive per exisiting unit.
Fuel substitution incentives require that applications must include itemized invoice of infrastructure upgrade costs if any of the following was completed:
Site required electric infrastructure upgrade.
Owner installed other electronification measures at the site.
Fuel substitution incentives require timestamped, geotagged photos of all equipment prior to installation, and post-installation. Including nameplates of existing and installed equipment.
Application must include a signed Customer Participation Agreement.
Application must include a paid receipt or invoice with model number, manufacturer, purchase price, and purchase date.
Qualifying equipment must be new and replace existing equipment in a residence that currently receives residential electric service from Southern California Edison.
Qualifying customers are determined by the program that are identified as residing within targeted hard-to-reach and disadvantaged communities.
In order to qualify for fuel substitution/electrification incentives, the previous equipment heat source must be natural gas.
Required Documents
- CPA-TA – Customer Participation Agreement
- SPECS – Specification Sheet
- Itemized Invoice - Customer signed, dated, & stamped "Paid" or stamped "Received by Customer", including manufacturer, model #, infrastructure upgrade costs, labor
- If applicable, itemized invoices with infrastructure upgrade costs showing date of completed upgrade work
- Program/Implementer/Customer Attestation
- Verify attestation states existing equipment has been properly disposed of and not repurposed or resold as used equipment.
Required Photos
- Installed induction range/cooktop/oven
- Showing 4 or 5 burners
- Installed induction range/cooktop/oven nameplate
- Existin gas range/cooktop/oven
- Existing gas range/cooktop/oven nameplate
- Photo(s) of disconnected and capped gas pipeline servicing base equipment.